University of Cambridge

Job Opportunities


AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award (CDA) PhD studentship for " The Portraiture of Rowland Lockey (c.1566-1616): A Historical and Technical Examination" (Department of History of Art and National Trust)

Applications are invited for an AHRC CDA doctoral studentship offered by the Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership, to start in October 2025.

The studentship will be based in the Department of History of Art. The successful applicant will work on a collaborative project co-led by Professor Alexander Marr (, University of Cambridge, Dr Jane Eade, co-supervisor, Cultural Heritage Curator and Rebecca Hellen, Senior National Conservator Paintings & Wall Paintings at National Trust Midlands/East of England.

The studentship will provide an opportunity to undertake technical art-historical research on paintings attributed to Lockey in the collection of the National Trust, understanding the use of techniques such as MA-XRF, cross-section sampling, and X-radiography. Assisted by Trust curators the award holder will research documentary evidence in the Hardwick archives of Lockey's work for patrons such as Elizabeth, Countess of Shrewsbury, and her son, William Cavendish. This will be complemented by research in The National Archives and other repositories, to build as full a picture as possible of Lockey's career which will be the backbone of outreach and community engagement activity by the Trust.

Further details of the project and its aims can be found on the Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP website:


The DTP studentships will provide an annual maintenance grant to cover living costs (£19,237 stipend + £600 CDA allowance pa at current rates) and university tuition fees at home fee level. The fee gap between the home and overseas fee rates will be covered by the University through internal co-funding for international candidates.

For more details, see:

Application process:

All applications will need to be made through the University Postgraduate Application Portal:

Whilst making your online application please make clear that you are applying for the project 'The Portraiture of Rowland Lockey (c.1566-1616): A Historical and Technical Examination' and indicate the supervisor leading the project (Professor Alexander Marr). When applying for study through the Postgraduate Applicant Portal, you must indicate that you would like to be considered for funding, complete the AHRC section under "Funding" and upload the OOC DTP Application Form as an additional document when completing the application through the portal.

Informal enquiries about the project should be directed to the University supervisor (

Application deadline is Tuesday 07 January 2025.

If you have any questions about this vacancy or the application process, please visit

Please quote reference GA43231 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

We want to encourage the widest range of potential students to study for this studentship and are committed to welcoming students from different backgrounds to apply. We particularly welcome applications from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.

The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.